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Tamekah Persaud

Does Reaching for Your Goals Seem Like a Backache? Try These Flexibility Poses to Get You There

Before we get into this article, let’s try a little experiment. Starting in the standing position with your back straight and arms at your sides, begin to bend from the waist and reach down in front of you. Without bending your knees, see if you can touch your toes. If you can, then that’s great! This article will help you to maintain your flexibility, especially as your body begins to age or if you become used to an inactive lifestyle.

On the other hand, if you're falling short of a deeper bend you're not alone. When it comes to a basic health and fitness survey, it turns out 53% of the population is not capable of touching their toes. So, if your goal is to increase your flexibility, which will increase your muscle strength and mobility in your joints in turn, try these popular yoga poses that will target the different areas of your body.



This yoga pose mainly targets the core while also improving flexibility in the shoulders, neck, and spine when done correctly.

  • Getting on your hands and knees, keep your arms parallel to one another and your wrists directly under your shoulders as if you were about to do a pushup.

  • Dispense your weight evenly to all parts of your body.

  • Slowly let your stomach dip, curving your back inwards. As you do so, lift your chest and chin upwards to face the ceiling.

  • Begin to arch your back upwards towards the ceiling while simultaneously craning your neck back down so that your chin is tucked into your chest.

  • Steadily repeat this motion for at least one minute.

Head to Knee


Whether you are a beginner or a gymnast, “head to knee” is a popular stretch that enhances flexibility in the back, thighs, and hips. It also improves blood circulation in the legs as you begin to feel a light pull in them.

Image by Benn McGuinness from Unsplash
  • Sit on the ground with one leg extended a little to one side while keeping the other bent and tucked into your thigh.

  • Lift your arms straight out over your head and, while bending from the hip, reach your arms out to hold your toes.

  • Try to hold this pose for at least one minute before switching legs.

Bow Pose


This pose may not be ideal for a beginner who might experience more stiffness in the muscles than someone at an intermediate level. However, it’s a great pose that increases flexibility in your core, back, glutes, chest, and leg muscles.

  • Lie flat on your stomach with your arms to your sides.

  • Bend your knees to your glutes and grab your ankles from behind you with either hand.

  • Lift your legs shoulders and chest slightly off the ground so that you are balanced on your core.

  • While continuing to face forward, breathe deeply and hold the pose for at least 30 seconds.

Split with a Forward Bend


You may be thinking, “how can I do a split if I can’t even touch my toes?” For beginners, you can spread your legs as wide as they will go, even if it may not seem like much at first. As with touching your toes, as you continue to stretch daily, you will find your body more capable of a wider range of motions.

This bend will help to increase flexibility in your hips, lower back, hamstrings, and calves.

Image by Katee Lue from Unsplash

  • Sitting on the floor with your legs fully extended to either side, lift your arms straight up over your head.

  • Bending from your hips, lean forward and stretch your arms out on the floor in front of you as far as they can go.

  • As with the other poses, hold for at least one minute.

The most important thing to take into consideration is that you shouldn’t force any pose. If you feel an intense pull, resulting in pain or extreme discomfort, you should stop immediately. When beginning again, remember that flexibility takes time. If you want to prevent injuries, keep stretching regularly and you will eventually see the results you are looking for.

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