Knowing the day-to-day slang that gets thrown around as a truck driver will come in handy when in communication with other drivers. Not only that, but it’s a great skill to master to show that you are a well-versed driver.
Want to freshen up on your trucker lingo? Stick around to learn how to talk like a real trucker.

Glossary of Trucker Slang
Driver: A trucker. Only truckers are drivers.
Four-wheeler: You/non-truckers
Semipro: A big pickup-driving bro that thinks he’s a “trucker"
Bumper sticker: A car that tailgates egregiously
Thumber: Hitchhiker
Suicide jockey: A driver hauling a dangerous substance (fuel, explosives, etc.).
Go to Sesame Street: Turn your CB radio to Channel 19 (the most commonly used channel)
Reading the mail: Just lurking on the radio, usually on Sesame Street
Keying up: Talking all the time on the channel, cutting other truckers off in the process
CB Lingo
Back in the day, it was imperative to follow the CB lingo. It certainly can do you some good to practice it, as CB lingo is a part of the trucking culture. CB codes and trucker lingo came to be back in the ‘60s and ‘70s when CB radio was widely listened to.
Truck driver’s cultivated a language of their own, which they would frequently use to communicate with each other on their CB radios.
Many of the great old cinemas, such as Smokey and the Bandit and Convoy were packed with CB lingo.
Sadly, the use of the CB radio has dwindled in recent times and few professional drivers maintain the slang to communicate. Some drivers still use it from time to time to keep up to date on traffic, accidents, and blockages on the highways.
Although it has dwindled down, CB radio lingo is truly a part of the trucking industry and can still be kept alive with knowledge and usage of the terms.
Walk the walk and talk the talk with these CB lingo words and phrases:
10-4 Roger: Yes
Back door: Behind your truck, somebody who’s behind you, like the police
Bear: Cop
Catch you on the flip flop: See you on your return trip
Chicken coop: Weigh station
Chicken lights: Extra lights on a rig or trailer
Chicken truck: Owner-operator rig with lots of lights, chrome, and cool accessories
Clean shot: No cops around
Comic Book: Driver’s logbook
Diesel Bear: D.O.T. cop specializing in truck enforcement
Evil Knievel: Cop on a motorcycle
Hello, come in: I hear you load and clear
Just a-gettin’ it: Running fast and hard
If you’ve ever overheard some CB slang, you probably found yourself lost in the conversation rather quickly.
Whether your a new driver or you’re trying to refreshen your memory on some trucker lingo, we hope our list gave you some inspiration.
Want to get in on the action? Take a look at CB radios for truckers.
Are you interested in an alternative to the standard trucking business model? If so, take a look at how Relaymile is reimagining trucking to provide drivers with a healthier, more consistent standard of work.